Today texting isn't just restricted to text messages, it can also be used to communicate with other applications that you may not even be aware exist. One such application is io-link communication (commonly called "io-link"), which allows you to use your computer's internet connection to send a message over another application on your device. First, You Need To Know How Io-Link Communication Works: When we use this technology, two devices are combined to share data wirelessly. For example, if the Water Test Kit was equipped with an io-link modem, it could transmit data via a wireless connection and show you not only how much water you're using at any given moment but also what your average monthly usage is as well as how much your bill should be at any point in time. Here Are Three Of Its Biggest Benefits: First, it gives you more control over your water bill because you'll know exactly what's going on with your water usage and the status of your a...
With over 50 years of experience, HYDAC is proud to be a leader in hydraulics in Australia. We offer a wide range of hydraulic products and services that are suitable for various industries and applications, including mobile hydraulics, industrial hydraulics, lubrication systems, cooling systems, filter systems and more. Contact us today.