IO-Link is a widely used interface for communicating with sensors and actuators all over the world. Process data, service information, and events can all be transmitted using IO-Link communication, which is based on a three-wire connection. The device comes with smart sensors that mean it can do various tasks for many applications at the same time.
Where the user needs a hydraulic motion controller he always goes for electro hydraulic control decentralise equipment. It's a command and control device that is used in electro-hydraulic systems. It comes in various physical forms such as simple power amplifiers, general control modules, closed loop and synchronised controllers.
In What Cases The EHCD can be used in a Hydraulic System?
- When you have a small automation system but don't have a PLC and need complex closed-loop control (pressure, force and flow), these modules are ideal to be utilised with a PLC that lacks power stages.
- A basic but difficult scenario in which you have a system but need to conduct closed control without a lot of automation or sequencing is one use case.
- When you are not sure about access to a PLC in this situation, or the PLC functions may be limited. You can execute exact closed-loop control, repetition and positioning, EHCD module is an excellent choice in this case.
- After you've chosen the module, you'll need to use parameterisation software to programme and configure it. The software is free and offers a fantastic and user-friendly graphical interface.
- The graphical interface makes it simple to adjust parameters, monitor inputs and outputs in real time, and control the actuator manually.
Thus, EHCD modules are mainly used where motion controller devices are needed. If you are planning to develop your own project or work with a hydraulic communication machine then you can use this magical solution.
Contact reputed suppliers and ask experts for more information about the products and uses.
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